Well, it's a return to business as usual this Wednesday (September 17th) when the R.W.M. and his Office Bearers will be working a 1st Degree.
We will tyle at the usual time of 7.30pm and look forward to welcoming members and visitors. And we have received our first deputation invite of the Autumn season and look forward to visiting our friends at Lodge St John Corstorphine 788 in November. We too are in 'Deputation Invite Mode' as our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff will be conferring Honorary Membership on a prominent I.P.M. from within the Province, this also in November. Watch this space!!
![]() Another great day was had by all when Lodge Kirkliston Maitland met Kirkliston Bowling Club in the 2014 Bob Duff Trophy Competition. Rain did threaten at the very start of the match but the sun soon shone through. It didn't shine for the 482 bowlers though as KBC again came out as worthy winners. However, fun and friendly competition were the orders of the day and the match was enjoyed by players and spectators alike. The trophy is named in memory of our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff's Dad, who passed to the Grand Lodge Above in March 2012 and Mrs Helen Duff, who threw the 1st jack, also presented the trophy to Bowling Club President Ross Kelt, in the company of our R.W.M. Both Ross Kelt and Bro. Les thanked everyone who took part and for continuing the great relationship between Lodge Kirkliston Maitland and Kirkliston Bowling Club. Bro. Les said: "Another great afternoon with our friends from Kirkliston Bowling Club and thanks again to everyone who made it possible especially the members, Honorary Members and friends of the Lodge who made up the 482 team. A big thanks also to the Club for their generous post-match hospitality." One more deputation will bring the 1st half of the the 482 Masonic season 'officially' to a close.
Following our last regular meeting - a Mark Degree worked by Bro. Ray King P.M. - we took a deputation to The Thistle Lodge 270 in West Calder for a degree worked mainly by young masons from the Province. It was an superb night and 270 was packed to capacity for what proved to be an excellent degree, with two Kirkliston Maitland brethren, Bro. Peter Cox I.G. and Bro. Andy Hogg M.M. taking part. As was said after the degree, with this kind of effort and commitment, the Province of Midlothian would appear to be in good hands. Our second deputation will be to Lodge St. John Fisherrow 112 on Wednesday 7th May and like 270 they meet the same night as us, so will be good to have this opportunity catch up with the brethren in Musselburgh. The main event of the summer will of course be the Installation of Bro. Tom Smith as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. This takes place at Lodge Dalkeith Kilwinning No. 10 on Saturday 7th June and is sure to be a full house!! We can only hope that we do indeed get some 'proper' summer weather and although some Lodges do meet throughout the year, we wish everyone an enjoyable time over the coming months. ![]() In what was a fantastic evening, our 'Stars In Your Eyes' fund-raising night realised £1100. This is £100 more than our target figure, so a huge 'thank you' goes out to everyone who attended - or who contributed in any way towards the success of the event. A special thanks must go to the artistes who gave freely of their time and talent to keep us entertained on the night. The cash will donated to a PGLM fund-raising effort in aid of 'Richmond's Hope', a charity based in Niddrie, Edinburgh, where bereaved children can work through their grief and have the support, information and help to allow them to manage the impact of death in their lives and also the stillbirth and neonatal death charity 'S.A.N.D.S'. Annual Dinner Dance Still on the subject of social events, our Annual Dinner Dance will be held in Kirkliston Bowling Club on Saturday 16th November. Time is 7pm for 7.30. This event will again be in association with Lodge St. John Corstorphine 788 and tickets, priced £20, are available from the secretary. Lodge St. John Corstorphine 788 It is of course impossible not to mention the fire that engulfed Corstorphine Youth Club, home to our friends at Lodge St. John Corstorphine 788. The fire seemed to be concentrated in the upper floor of the building where the superb 121 year old Temple was located and it's impossible to know at this time whether or not any artefacts can be salvaged. It's also impossible to imagine how the brethren of the Lodge are feeling right now and our thoughts go out to each and every one. For a few short years, 788 was our home so we are perhaps a tiny bit closer to the sad and tragic event than we might have been. The Lodge have already had many offers of help and support and our secretary has already been in touch to offer assistance in any way we can. One thing is sure, 788 will come through this event even stronger than before. ![]() It will be a '482 family affair' of sorts when Bro. Gordon Yeoman P.M. is installed as R.W.M. of The Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh & Leith No. 291, as Bro. Gordon has named Bro. David Swan P.M. as his Principal Installing Master. In addition, our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff will take the post of Installing Inner Guard and Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. will be Installing Senior Warden. It's obviously an event to look forward to and best wishes to all concerned. ![]() Bro. Gordon's election comes as his dad, Bro. Sid Yeoman P.M. of The Celtic Lodge, celebrates his 60 years as a member of the craft and this surely is a fitting tribute to Bro. Sid's achievement. Bro. Gordon will be Installed into the Chair of King Solomon on Saturday 28th September. The start time for the Installation is set at present for 5pm and this will be confirmed nearer the time. Bro. Sid is also an Honorary Member of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland. Still on the subject of Installations, our congratulations go to Bro. Sean Cairns on being installed as R.W.M. of Lodge St John Corstorphine 788.
With over 100 brethren in the Temple, it was almost a case of 'bring your own chair' and this special day will certainly be etched on Bro. Sean's mind for a long time to come!! Bro. Sean and his Office Bearers were installed by 788 Past Masters Bro. Fraser Gaunt and Bro. Calum Stewart who did a superb job, applauded by all who attended. And there was a 'family affair' of a different kind here as well when Bro. Sean invited his daughter Rebecca to say Grace before the Festival of St. John - and the meal, prepared by President of Stewards Bro. Rab McKenzie, was served by Bro. Sean's wife Lee, together with friends of the family. All the best to Bro. Sean R.W.M. and his Office Bearers during their terms of office. ![]() Bro. Gary Sibbald P.M. Well, the first half of the 482 Masonic season may be over, but it certainly ended in just recognition for Bro. Gary Sibbald P.M. when he received Honorary Membership of Lodge Royal Thistle The Royal Scots 1338. Lodge Royal Thistle have been trying for many years to have 'The Royal Scots' as part of their name and R.W.M. Bro. Martin McFarland thanked Bro. Gary for all the work he had done in helping to research and prepare their case for presentation to The Grand Lodge of Scotland. Bro. Gary - who was a serving soldier in The 1st Battalion, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) - also spoke passionately in Grand Lodge in support of 1338's case and Bro. Martin also acknowledged the part this had played in helping secure the vote needed in order to win the debate. As well as being a great personal honour for Bro. Gary, this also reflects well on Lodge Kirkliston Maitland and we congratulate him once again. It was also great to see so many brethren in the 482 deputation who supported Bro. Gary on the night. In all 21 took part - made up of members, Honorary members and friends of the Lodge and thanks go again to all concerned. This wasn't the only presentation to take place. To mark his 50 years as a member of the Craft, Bro. Tommy Doyle I.P.M. was presented with his diploma by R.W.P.G.M. Bro. Brian Kerley who congratulated Bro. Tommy on his achievement. Previous to the presentations, the R.W.M. and his Office Bearers worked an Entered Apprentice Degree and candidate, Bro. William Darroch, wrote his own name in the Lodge history book by becoming their first initiate since "The Royal Scots' was added to 1338's name. This was also Bro. Martin's 'greetin 'meetin and he finished by thanking everyone for the support he had received during his term of office. Well, it's just over a year since we moved back to our spiritual home in Kirkliston and what a difference these 12 month have made.
Our new Right Worshipful Master, Bro. Les Duff P.M. was well and truly installed by 482 Past Masters Bro. Gordon Yeoman and Bro. David Swan and Bro. Les and his team of Office Bearers are settling in well to their new posts. The Past Master boards and most of the Lodge photographs are now on display during our meetings and this is another major step forward. Many visitors comment on how well the Lodge looks and this is something we really appreciate, helping to make all the hard work and effort really worth while. New Candidates After a long time without attracting new candidates, there has also been a dramatic increase in fortune. Bro. Donald Small was raised in January and since then we've had three further applications for Initiation. Two of the three enquiry meetings have taken place and the third will be held this Monday, March 4th. And we hear on the grapevine that yet another application could be in the pipeline!! This coming Wednesday, March 6th, will see an exemplification of the EA Degree and, after that, 'live' degrees will be the order of the day!! You can check our degrees up to the end of the season on our diary page. Ostrea Lodge Visit Looking forward to the end of March, we look forward to our Bi-Annual visit by our friends from South of the Border. We'll be holding a special meeting for the Ostrea Lodge Brethren on Saturday March 23rd. This will be a 2nd Degree with a 4pm tyle. And the night before, we'll all be making our traditional visit to Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho No. 85. It's all happening!!! |
AuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirkliston Maitland 482 Archives
May 2022