There was a superb turnout on Wednesday for our R.W.M's 'greetin 'meetin, with members, Honorary Members and friends of 482 joining in to mark Bro. Les Duff's two years in the chair. This was our third Wednesday meeting in a row and, with this in mind, we weren't expecting a large turnout. However, with 20 presentations to the R.W.M. alone, the evening was indeed a great success Bro. Les decided to make it a 'business only' meeting, after which everyone sat down to enjoy an informal harmony. Bro. Les thanked everyone for attending and he also expressed his sincere thanks for all the support he received during his time in office. In this last meeting as Immediate Past Master, Bro. Murrie Thomson proposed a short toast to the R.W.M. thanking him for the contribution he had made to furthering the success of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland and for all he had done over the last two years. We're now looking forward to our Annual Installation this Saturday when Bro. Glen Brown will be Installed as our new Right Worshipful Master. And with new young Office Bearers coming forward, it will mark the start of another eventful year at 482.
Our last meeting produced a 2nd degree with a difference when it was worked by I.P.M. Bro. Murrie Thomson along with six other Immediate Past Masters from the Province of Midlothian. But of course, in true 482 fashion, a last minute addition saw Bro. Gordon Yeoman P.M. step in to present the South East Corner and Tools. Bro. Gordon is also I.P.M. of the Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh & Leith 291, in the province of Edinburgh. Although there are many similarities in the way Lodges work their degrees, it's amazing how easily the slightest of differences have the potential to cause a hiccup!! At the end of the day though the I.P.M’s did a great job and there was a good turnout of brethren on the night to lend their support. In handing back the gavel to the R.W.M., Bro. Murrie thanked Bro. Les for allowing him to once again take the chair in their Mother Lodge. He also offered his sincere thanks to all the I.P.M’s for their help - and patience - leading up to the night and his thanks also went to Bro. Andrew Hogg M.M. of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland for stepping in as our candidate. The R.W.M. complimented the Immediate Past Masters on their working of the Fellowcraft Degree adding that it was always good to experience something a bit different. The offices and lectures in the degree were provided by the following brethren:
AuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirkliston Maitland 482 Archives
May 2022