The end of our Right Worshipful Master's year in office ended on Wednesday 29th January when Bro. Les organised a special meeting a bit different from the norm!! Instead of a degree, we had the presentation of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Mark Degree tracing boards and these were carried out by: 1st Degree - Bro. Bob Potter I.P.M. No. 85 2nd Degree - Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. 482 3rd Degree - Bro. Ned Kelly I.P.M. 788 Mark Degree - Bro. Brian Clements S.M. 1063 The evening proved to be a great success, with 105 brethren signing the attendance book and afterwards we enjoyed some informal harmony. Annual InstallationJust a couple of days later, on Saturday 1st February, Bro. Les Duff was installed as R.W.M. for a second term in the Chair of King Solomon and the ceremony was carried out in excellent fashion by Past Masters Bro. David Swan and Bro. Gordon Yeoman.
And before admitting the Installing Masters and representatives from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian, the Director of Ceremonies, Bro. Peter Ritchie P.M. introduced a deputation of no less than 20 reigning Masters, representing Lodges from both inside and outside the Province of Midlothian. Provincial Grand Lodge were represented by Bro. Colin Thomson, Provincial Grand Chaplain and Bro. Russell Forrester, 1st Provincial Grand Steward. The Installation Ceremony was followed by the Festival of St. John during which the brethren enjoyed a first-class meal and some excellent harmony. Bro. Les thanked everyone for their support on the day and assured the brethren that he would continue to do his very best for Lodge Kirkliston Maitland.
It was a masonic meeting - but not as you know it!! This might be an appropriate description of our Special Meeting on January 29th.
We took advantage of the 'five Wednesday month' to invite deputations from the two Lodges that meet the same night as 482; Lodge St. John Fisherrow 112 and the Thistle Lodge 270. However, our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff also invited deputations from Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho No. 85, Lodge St. John Corstorphine 788 and Lodge Newbattle St. Mary 1063. And what superb deputations they all were!!! All told, 103 brethren signed the attendance book, a fantastic result and an equally fantastic night!!! And it certainly was a meeting with a difference. Instead of a degree, we had the presentation of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Mark Degree Tracing Boards and well done to the four presenters who were respectively: Bro. Bob Potter I.P.M. No. 85, Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. 482, Bro. Ned Kelly I.P.M. 788 and Bro. Brian Clements S.M. 1063. The meeting finished just after 9pm and afterwards we all enjoyed some harmony together. Think we'll need to order more pies and make more soup next time though!!! Continuing what is a bit of a busy time, we have our Annual Installation on Saturday, a committee meeting on Monday and a regular meeting on Wednesday 5th. It's all go. |
AuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirkliston Maitland 482 Archives
May 2022