Another great day was had by all when Lodge Kirkliston Maitland met Kirkliston Bowling Club in the 2014 Bob Duff Trophy Competition. Rain did threaten at the very start of the match but the sun soon shone through. It didn't shine for the 482 bowlers though as KBC again came out as worthy winners. However, fun and friendly competition were the orders of the day and the match was enjoyed by players and spectators alike. The trophy is named in memory of our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff's Dad, who passed to the Grand Lodge Above in March 2012 and Mrs Helen Duff, who threw the 1st jack, also presented the trophy to Bowling Club President Ross Kelt, in the company of our R.W.M. Both Ross Kelt and Bro. Les thanked everyone who took part and for continuing the great relationship between Lodge Kirkliston Maitland and Kirkliston Bowling Club. Bro. Les said: "Another great afternoon with our friends from Kirkliston Bowling Club and thanks again to everyone who made it possible especially the members, Honorary Members and friends of the Lodge who made up the 482 team. A big thanks also to the Club for their generous post-match hospitality."
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The end of our Right Worshipful Master's year in office ended on Wednesday 29th January when Bro. Les organised a special meeting a bit different from the norm!! Instead of a degree, we had the presentation of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Mark Degree tracing boards and these were carried out by: 1st Degree - Bro. Bob Potter I.P.M. No. 85 2nd Degree - Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. 482 3rd Degree - Bro. Ned Kelly I.P.M. 788 Mark Degree - Bro. Brian Clements S.M. 1063 The evening proved to be a great success, with 105 brethren signing the attendance book and afterwards we enjoyed some informal harmony. Annual InstallationJust a couple of days later, on Saturday 1st February, Bro. Les Duff was installed as R.W.M. for a second term in the Chair of King Solomon and the ceremony was carried out in excellent fashion by Past Masters Bro. David Swan and Bro. Gordon Yeoman.
And before admitting the Installing Masters and representatives from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian, the Director of Ceremonies, Bro. Peter Ritchie P.M. introduced a deputation of no less than 20 reigning Masters, representing Lodges from both inside and outside the Province of Midlothian. Provincial Grand Lodge were represented by Bro. Colin Thomson, Provincial Grand Chaplain and Bro. Russell Forrester, 1st Provincial Grand Steward. The Installation Ceremony was followed by the Festival of St. John during which the brethren enjoyed a first-class meal and some excellent harmony. Bro. Les thanked everyone for their support on the day and assured the brethren that he would continue to do his very best for Lodge Kirkliston Maitland. Last night's committee meeting effectively marked the end of our summer recess and, in Masonic terms, we're now getting 'back to normal'. Our first meeting on Wednesday 4th September is our AGM when our Treasurer, Bro. William Reddington P.M. will present our annual accounts. And with several events coming up, it looking really busy in the run up to the end of the year. Our first degree of this season will be on September 18th when Bro. Peter Cox will be made a Fellow of Craft. Our meeting on October 2nd is our annual Provincial visit and this will be another 2nd Degree. InstallationSaturday 28th September will see Bro. Gordon Yeoman P.M. installed as the R.W.M. of the Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh & Leith No. 291. Bro. Gordon's election comes as his dad, Bro. Sid Yeoman P.M. of The Celtic Lodge, celebrates his 60 years as a member of the craft and is a fitting tribute to Bro. Sid's achievement. Bro. Sid is also an Honorary Member of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland. There will be a strong 482 presence in the installing team, with Bro. David Swan P.M. as Principal Installing Master, Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. as Installing Senior Warden and Bro. Les Duff R.W.M. as Installing Inner Guard. It's sure to be a full house and and event we can all look forward to. Stars In Your Eyes Charity NightOn Saturday October 19th, Kirkliston Bowling Club is the venue for a 'Stars In Your Eyes' night. This is a charity event and we'll be raising cash for two worthy organisations, 'Richmonds Hope' and S.A.N.D.S. The acts are already in place and, amongst others you will hear tributes to Elton John, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, The Blues Bros, Emeli Sande and Billy Joel. Honorary MembershipThe last event of the first couple of months will be a deputation to Lodge Newbattle St. Mary 1063 on Tuesday 22nd October and at this meeting, our I.P.M., Bro. Murrie Thomson, will receive Honorary Membership.
This is a great honour, not only for Bro. Murrie, but for Lodge Kirkliston Maitland and surely another night to enjoy. Lodge Kirkliston Mailand may still be in recess for the summer, but 15 members and friends of the Lodge will head for their 'home' in Kirkliston on Sunday 21st July when 482 take on their counterparts at Kirkliston Bowling Club to compete for the Bob Duff Trophy.
The trophy is named in memory of our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff's Dad, who passed to the Grand Lodge Above in March last year and the event has been organised by Bro. Alan Faichney, Bro. Bob's Son-in-Law. Bro. Bob Duff was a member of Lodge Buchan St. John 636 and an affiliate member of 482. And with two reigning Provincial Grand Masters as part of their squad, Lodge Kirkliston Maitland can surely boast a degree of 'celebrity' status!! For joining Bro. Brian Kerley, R.W.P.G.M. of Midlothian is Bro. Bob Scott, his counterpart from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire, with both brethren being Honorary Members of 482. The other 13 Brethren making up the 482 team are: Alan Faichney, Gordon Yeoman, David Swan, David Brown, Tam Perry, Bob Potter, Rod Hill, Alan Banks, Glen Brown, Greig Robinson, Andy Gray, Jim McDonald and Les Duff. Bro. Les's sister Linda will be providing a buffet on the day and the trophy will be presented by Bro. Bob's wife, Mrs Helen Duff. There will be five rinks of triples and the players will be at the club at 1.30 for a 2pm start - and supporters to cheers the teams on will be made very welcome. And, no doubt, our I.P.M. will be on hand to record the event for posterity!!
Bro. David Swan P.M.
It will be a '482 family affair' of sorts when Bro. Gordon Yeoman P.M. is installed as R.W.M. of The Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh & Leith No. 291, as Bro. Gordon has named Bro. David Swan P.M. as his Principal Installing Master. In addition, our R.W.M. Bro. Les Duff will take the post of Installing Inner Guard and Bro. Murrie Thomson I.P.M. will be Installing Senior Warden. It's obviously an event to look forward to and best wishes to all concerned. Bro. Gordon Yeoman P.M. Bro. Gordon's election comes as his dad, Bro. Sid Yeoman P.M. of The Celtic Lodge, celebrates his 60 years as a member of the craft and this surely is a fitting tribute to Bro. Sid's achievement. Bro. Gordon will be Installed into the Chair of King Solomon on Saturday 28th September. The start time for the Installation is set at present for 5pm and this will be confirmed nearer the time. Bro. Sid is also an Honorary Member of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland. Still on the subject of Installations, our congratulations go to Bro. Sean Cairns on being installed as R.W.M. of Lodge St John Corstorphine 788.
With over 100 brethren in the Temple, it was almost a case of 'bring your own chair' and this special day will certainly be etched on Bro. Sean's mind for a long time to come!! Bro. Sean and his Office Bearers were installed by 788 Past Masters Bro. Fraser Gaunt and Bro. Calum Stewart who did a superb job, applauded by all who attended. And there was a 'family affair' of a different kind here as well when Bro. Sean invited his daughter Rebecca to say Grace before the Festival of St. John - and the meal, prepared by President of Stewards Bro. Rab McKenzie, was served by Bro. Sean's wife Lee, together with friends of the family. All the best to Bro. Sean R.W.M. and his Office Bearers during their terms of office. |
AuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirkliston Maitland 482 Archives
May 2022